Amazing Terinting Waterfall West Kalimantan Indonesia

January 11, 2018

Media Informasi - One of the largest islands in Indonesia is West Kalimantan, in addition to including as the largest island in it there are also many tourist attractions in west kalimantan no less beautiful with other areas.

Landak District has a natural and cool natural place typical of Kalimantan-style tropical forest. One of them is Terinting waterfall which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in this West Borneo, located in Engkangin Village, Engkangin Village and Jambu Hamlet, Jambu Village, Air Besar District. Still a lot of stored natural wealth that is very make us amazed at its beauty let alone forest in west kalimantan is still much to be maintained its authenticity.

Terinting waterfall is also familiar in call waterfall Terintik and rampo terintik is one of the tourist attractions in kalbar already known but still not many who see firsthand its beauty.

  • Waterfall Terinting

Terinting waterfall that reaches a height of approximately 50 meters is located at the tip of Land Landak, District of Air Besar, Sempatung Lawuk Village, which is still located in Serimbu area.

Location Terinting Waterfall can be said very far away, so from that extra power buck for tourists who want to get there, this terinting waterfall is located right at the end of Engkangin hamlet and hamlet of Jamu.

Two hamlets can be used as a resting place for tourists who come from a distance. Because the journey to the waterfall terinting still long, it took about 6-7 hours to get to the waterfall Terinting.

But it is strongly recommended that tourists to go there when the weather is sunny, because if in the rain then the trip will be difficult and dangerous, because the access road a lot of climbing and slippery, for the sake of the weather then choose a favorable weather to travel smoothly until the destination.

Serimbu area is well known for the natural attractions of waterfalls because there are so many waterfalls that we can visit there, such as waterfall cascade dait, waterfall breaking or commonly called Bananggar, Bannanggar and Managar in addition there is also waterfall Riam Bedawat also water Tikalong Falls and many more.

  • The Path to the Location of Terinting Waterfall

Many tourists who want to go to the waterfall Terinting but, with a distance that is not easy to travel may be one of the things that hinder to go there. And there are many who still do not know the path to get there.

However, some nature lovers are not discouraged to step foot and tread their feet in the waterfall terinting, because for the nature lovers distance is not a problem for them, the most important thing in adventure is to achieve the goal and enjoy the beauty of nature and keep it is the pay for them.

Media Information can only provide a little explanation of the route to the waterfall terinting, for you who travel from Pontianak. So the path that will be taken is Pontianak to Landak District or Ngabang area is estimated about 4 to 5 hours with a speed of 60-40km / jam.

Next we will go to your serimbu area to reach the hamlet Engkangin and Hamlet ham as a resting place to get there also takes approximately 2 hours, then we continue the journey again as we have explained above, which is about 6-7 hours walk with walkways and climbing.

Loving nature is not as easy as loving women. Therefore it takes awareness and struggle to love nature. If you love nature, then nature will give you the charm of its beauty. Congratulations Try the tourist places that have Media Information summarize :) hopefully safe to the destination.

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