Amazing Bukit Raya 7 summit in Indonesia

December 27, 2017

Media Informasi - Mount Bukit Raya is a mountain located in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. This mountain is the top mountain in Borneo that entered the territory of Indonesia. The area surrounding Bukit Raya is a nature reserve, and together with Bukit Baka Nature Reserve in West Kalimantan is Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park.

Bukit Raya or a mountain located in Katingan district, Central Kalimantan which enter into Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park which is a conservation area located in the heart of Borneo Island. This mountain is the highest mountain in Borneo which enter into Indonesian territory which is high 2,278 MDPL.

Although the height of this mountain is not too high (2,278 MDPL) but the difficulty level is much more difficult than the mountains in Java Island, before we climb, we must first travel overland and river for 2 days to get to the foot of the mountain ( Basecamp Ascent), then travel through steep climbs to get to the top of the hill through the wetland of Kalimatan Island which is close to the Equator line (Kalbar line).

Nothing wrong some people who have climbed Mount Bukit Raya climbing route (he said) the number two most difficult and expensive in Indonesia after Jaya Wijaya, Because that's why rarely climbers who tasted climbing at the highest peak to 7 in Indonesia.

Here is one of the paths that can be passed to get to Bukit Raya from the Kalimantan Barat:

Mount Bukit Raya is also included in the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park, will be accessed from two official majors in the province is not similar, because the mountain is located on the border between West Kalimantan & Central Kalimantan, where the peak into the Central Kalimantan region. This mountain became one of the top mountains in the 7 Summits Indonesia series representing the highest point of Kalimantan Island (Indonesian sector). Because in fact the top point of Borneo Island is located in Mount Kinabalu, which entered the territory of Malaysia. The first ascent point is in Kasongan, Katingan District, Central Kalimantan & the 2nd one that I chose to make the climb this time; is the Village of Midnight Rantau, Sintang District, West Kalimantan. According to the news, the climb through Kasongan requires a budget that is cheaper in comparison with the route via Rantau Tengah Malam, but the climbing information from the trek is hard to come by. Therefore I decided climbing through West Kalimantan which is against the average more seldom selected for climbing to Mount Bukit Raya.

If the first route always climb through the city of Pontianak West Kalimantan, now climbing can be done from Palangka Raya Central Kalimantan.

Here is one of the paths that can be passed to get to Bukit Raya from the city of Palangka Raya:

  • From Palangkaraya (Tjilik Riwut Airport) to Tumbang Habangoi village (Katingan Regency) is reached by car for 8 hours.
  • Arrive in Tumbang Habangoi village stay overnight at the Village Head's house to carry out customary rituals. This ritual is meant for the group that climbed Bukit Raya to be safe on the way and away from danger.
  • The first day, from the village of Tumbang Habangoi to the starting point of the climb using motorcycle motorcycle for 2 hours journey.
  • From the starting point of climbing followed by a walk begins by crossing Sei Trongoi (river) to the door of the Jungle and continue walking until arriving at Camp 1 Sei Dehiei to rest (overnight). The journey is taken for 5 hours with fairly flat track conditions.
  • The second day, from Camp 1 Sei Dehiei proceeded to Camp 2 Tumbang Tosah across many creeks for 4 hours.
  • From Camp 2 Tumbang Tosah continue the journey across a fairly swift river for 5 hours to Camp 3 Bitah Samba for overnight.
  • The third day, from Camp 3 Bitah Samba continue the journey to Tanjakan Memuring then proceed to Puncak Bukit Raya. The steeper track conditions, especially in the Move Up to the top. Travel for 7 - 8 hours.
  • Arriving at the top of Bukit Raya named Puncak Kakam or Puncak Rajawali with an altitude of 2,278 MDPL.

For the climbers survived to try SALAM LESTARI!!!

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