3 Ways to Reduce the Bad Impact of Cell Phone Radiation

December 27, 2017
Media Informasi - The issue of the adverse effects of long-term mobile usage is not new. Various kinds of potential health problems caused by cell phone radiation such as mental disorders, cancer, until the problem of reproduction.

The cause is none other than Radio Frequency (RF) radiation. RF radiation emits radiation released by mobile phones when in active state. Usually, this radiation appears because the phone is looking for signals.

RF radiation in the long term allegedly can disrupt the immune system of brain tissue so that potentially cause permanent brain damage.

Although already know, many people have already can not get out of the phone. Because human needs for information makes mobile phones today as the primary human needs.

Although you can not live away from mobile phones, you can still use the phone wisely. The goal is that the bad impact of mobile phone usage is reduced. So, what steps should be taken to reduce the impact of bad use of mobile phones?

Based on information the California Department of Health collected The Information Media of The Independent, the following is a way that mobile users can do to reduce the adverse effects of long-term cell phone radiation.

1. Use a headset when calling

While on the phone, it's better to use a headset. Because when making a call, the phone will be more issued radiation from the RF signal.

If this happens periodically, it is not possible radiation from the phone can trigger damage to the brain tissue.

2. Communicating through text

In addition to cheaper, communicating via text message is called more secure than when making a call directly. Therefore, less radiation is released.

In addition, the position of the phone when typing text messages is further away from the body, so the radiation received will be smaller.

3. Avoid bagging the phone

Although not in use, the phone will continue to produce RF radiation. For that, better users still keep the distance with the phone when in use.

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