Beginner Blogger Needs to Know Google Analytics Functions

January 19, 2018

Media Informasi - Google Analytics is one of the free services from Google that displays visitor statistics of a website. Google Analytics can search visitors based on the referring page information, including search engines, ads, pay-per-click networks, email marketing, as well as links contained in PDF documents. If it's integrated with AdWords, it's also useful to analyze the effectiveness of AdWords ads installed on Google. With Google Analytics, users can find out which ads and keywords most refer to the user's website. Google Analytics is also used to determine the traffic density of websites / blogs. By using Google Analytics one can create a report on website / blog traffic in daily, weekly or monthly timeframes. To sign up for Google Analytics, you only need to have a Google account, if you do not have one then make a Google account immediately.

The bloggers certainly not just write articles and publish it. Bloggers should also know how to see the effectiveness of their writing in providing benefits to their readers. By knowing many things from the characteristics of visitors, it is hoped the bloggers can further improve the quality of content in order to increase traffic to visit each blog.

Google Analytics For Blogger Functions

Google Analytics has many functions and benefits for blogs and bloggers (managers), among the benefits and functions of google analytics in general are:
By registering a blog on google analytics, bloggers can more easily know the number of Visitor (visitor) based on a certain time range (hours, days, weeks, months) and detail reports about the visitors include:
  1. Can know the report how long a reader visit or read the article on a page contained in our   blog.
  2. Number of articles in the read (page view).
  3. The type of browser visitors use.
  4. Operating System (operating system) tool in use.
  5. Service provider- ISP visitors following the name of the ISP.
  6. Demographics, covering where visitors come from (countries), cities and languages ​​in use.
  7. Total visits (new visitors first come to your blog and old / loyal visitors).
  8. The percentage of new visitors with total visits.
  9. Screen resolution (monitor monitor resolution).
  10. Types of gadgets that visitors use (Computer, Mobile) and mobile operating system used by visitors.
  11. Visitor connection speed.

With the help of google analytics tool we can know where the source of traffic. Includes organic (search engine as referrer), Direct (direct visitors), Refferal (backlink or from other website), Social and others. So as the manager (owner) of the site we can take the conclusion of optimization which is the most contributed traffic on his blog.

Know which content or page is the most read (visited) and the most recent article read by the visitor before leaving the blog. That way as a blogger we can find out which content is the best (source of traffic at most) and much in demand by pengunjug or less interesting causes swelling bounce rate blog.

By knowing which articles are most interested by visitors we can more easily plan the posts associated with it, in addition if we know which articles bounce high ratenya value we can immediately take anticipatory steps to reduce the value so that the performance of the web or site can be more optimal future later.

Know the keywords that become referrers (traffic sources). From here you can judge how effective the composition of keywords in writing that is interesting for blog visitors. So the bloggers can further optimize the use of keyword traffic source to get more views in the future. And more easily target a variety of keywords that are most relevant or related to the article or niche blog. And there are many other functions and benefits that friends can explore more deeply.

By knowing the functions and benefits of google analytics this admin hope friends can maximize its use. And can immediately observe the development of blogs and mengevaluasinya, for the purpose of making blogs and results can be achieved at maximum. Of course also more SEO.

Do not let the purpose of blogging is not the same as the results that look. Hopefully the following information can be useful for you who will start to become the next bloggers.

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9 April 2018 at 18:19 delete

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Ethan Ryan
13 April 2018 at 13:18 delete

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