Variety of Mount Thumb (Poteng) Singkawang

January 26, 2018

Media Informasi - Mount of thumb (Poteng) singkawang is a very fitting tourist attraction for your visit. Especially those of you who like the object of tourism with the smell of adventure with stunning natural beauty. As one of the natural attractions in Borneo, of course there is no doubt how beautiful the mountain Poteng singkawang this. Besides rich with many plants ranging from tree to flower, there are also some types of fauna are quite rare.

The location of the thumb mountain (Poteng) Singkawang is located in West Kalimantan. The mountain area of ​​Poteng singkawang is located in the highlands of Borneo island. As a natural tourist attraction, the mountain of this piece is very interesting because of the many visitors and tourists who climb this mountain to enjoy the natural scenery. Distance of this attraction from singkawang city is as far as 9 km away. Although the distance is close to the city, the mountain area Poteng is still very beautiful and calm is also very good to relieve stress.

There are two interesting things from the tour in this mountain singkawang Poteng. First is the tourist floranya very charming, and the second is of course rare fauna tours that may only belong to the mountain Poteng singkawang this. For your information, here is some information about the two types of attractions in the mountain Poteng singkawang the successful Information Media collect.

Various Beauty of Flora of Mount Poteng Singkawang

As one of the natural attractions in Borneo, certainly not strange if the collection of flora in Mount Poteng is very fascinating the tourists. Borneo is famous for its natural beauty has many types of flora that we can see when climbing the mountain Poteng. Some types of rare flora that will surely you want to meet, among others, is the Flower Carcass or Amorphopallus sp. This type of flora is a rare flora that grows very rarely and the time of his life is also not long. Therefore, if you encounter a carcass flower that lives on the climb, then you are among the very lucky ones.

Flora which will also dazzle travelers is the Giant Padma Flower which is also known as the flower of Rafflesia Tuan Mudae. Flora is also one of the flora that really want to climbers meet when traveling in the area of ​​Mount Poteng. The next flower is the Star Flower or Rizhantes Zepelii.

Various kinds of this flora you can find in the mountain area Poteng singkawang. While walking around enjoying the natural scenery and looking for these flowers, you can also enjoy the beauty of waterfalls, bathing pools, and some village restaurants.

Rare Fauna of Mount Poteng Singkawang

Not only the existence of a collection of flora that fascinates, another advantage of this Poteng mountain tourism object is a collection of rare fauna. Some of these rare fauna are living freely in the area of ​​Mount Poteng as a habitat.

One example of the fauna that may exist and live in this region is the pangolin. Pangolin is one of the endangered animals protected by its existence. Of course the existence of this animal in the mountain Poteng, making mount Poteng increasingly got the spotlight and attention to protect the habitat of this rare animal.

Mount Poteng Singkawang is also a habitat of live honey bears. Bears a honey with a distinctive brown leather color, is one of the animals known to live in this mountain region Poteng. Not only honey bears, there are also plenty of hedgehogs that you can see during your climb. Various kinds of fauna from gunug Poteng this increasingly inspire the tourists to explore the forest of this mountain of the pot.

Mount Poteng can be a good reference to entertain you.

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