Here's 5 Gifts From Blood Donating

January 09, 2018

Blood donations can help save the lives of people who need them. As for donors, the benefits of blood donation can be felt to support the health of the body.

By doing a blood donation, we give a little blood from the body to be used to help others. Approximately 480 ml of blood is taken from the body when you do blood donation. After being examined and tested for safety and fitness, the blood will then be administered to patients in need.

For those in need, getting a blood donor can save their lives. There are several conditions that require blood donors such as accidents, organ transplants, or have diseases such as cancer, anemia, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, and many more.

Blood donors not only benefit the recipients of blood. but also to the givers. Here are some of the benefits of blood donation that can be felt if you donate blood :
  • Make blood flow more smoothly and maintain heart health.
The first benefit of blood donation is to help smooth the flow of blood to prevent clogging of the arteries. One study showed that diligent blood donation can reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 88%. And according to doctors, donating blood makes us rarely sick and avoidable from cancer, stroke, and heart attacks. Routine running blood donors to make levels of iron in the blood to be stable. High levels of iron in the blood can make us susceptible to heart disease.
  • Maximize the production of red blood cells.
The benefit of the next blood donor is to increase the production of red blood cells. When donors, red blood cells will decrease. Spinal cord will produce new red blood cells to replace the missing. The body can also replace the blood of red blood cells that disappear when donated in a few weeks. Diligent blood donation means making our body stimulate the formation of fresh new blood.
  • Also can check health for free.
Before making a blood donor, your body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin levels will be examined. After the blood donor is done, your blood will be sent to the laboratory to undergo 13 different tests. If something goes wrong with your blood, you will be immediately notified. In addition to noble deeds, you can also get free body health checks.
  • Age is along.
Benefits of blood donation also not only provide physical health, our minds also receive the benefits. Doing good makes us live longer. According to one study, the age of self-help and selflessness will increase by four years, which is certainly remarkable.
  • Noble deeds save the lives of the needy.
Many of their lives we can save and much hope can be given by donating blood. Donated blood can be given to emergency medical patients such as accident victims, large surgery patients, cancer patients or blood disorders, or even newborns with certain medical conditions.

Come on buddy, do not hesitate to help on others. Because the wheel is always spinning, sometimes we will need the help of others.

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