Extraordinary!!! Subhanallah Water Miracle

January 09, 2018

Water is all the source of life, without the water of living beings will die. Just imagine when we are struck by a prolonged drought, So difficult to get water, even until there is a killing each other to get water, that is why water becomes a very basic necessity for the survival of life in this universe.

It is also affirmed by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala: "And We created out of the water of all living things" (Surat Al Anbiya: 30).

It turns out that many waters have a marvelous miracle. Water molecules may change shape while in meticulous use electron microscopes may change shape according to the sound they receive.

A Japanese scientist, Doctor Masaru Emoto from Yokohama University has conducted research on water behavior. The result is that the water can see, hear, and understand all languages. Or in other words the water was alive. Doctor Emoto writes in 3 kinds of his book :
  1. The True Power of Water.
  2. The Hidden Massage of Water.
  3. The Secret Life of Water.
Dr. Masaru Emoto from Yokohama University about pure water from the springs of Honshu Island prayerfully Shinto religion, then cooled to -50 C in the laboratory, then photographed with an electron microscope with a high speed camera. It turns out that water molecules form a very beautiful hexagon crystal.

The next experiment was to read the words "Arigato" in front of the same water bottle, and the crystals again formed very beautiful, then tried by confronting the Japanese letter "Arigato." The crystals formed with the same beauty.With a special camera, Doctor Masaru Emoto successfully photographed water crystals in a frozen state and under different conditions, the water in the photo after the positive words such as "thank you or love and thanksgiving", in 20 seconds directly form a beautiful hexagonal crystal / hexagon.Instead when given rough words like "stupid" and heard "rough music", the crystals of water that appear to be chaotic and not hexagonal.Furthermore confronted with the word "devil", crystals shaped bad.played "good" music, crystal appears in the form of flowers. When "rough" music is played, the crystals are destroyed.

When 500 people concentrated on uniting a "peace" message in front of a bottle of water, the water crystals expanded beautifully. And when the Islamic prayer is recited, a six-pointed crystal with five branches appears glistening. The power of Allah Ta'ala is remarkable.

Here is one picture of a fluid molecule of water

Next is the water crystal image of the zam-zam springs. The water molecule form of zam-zam is arranged so beautifully. Its shape is like a shining diamond, and from its rays brings a color that draws more than 12 colors. Subhanallah, amazingly beautiful.

Dr. Emoto, who eventually toured the globe and experimented with water in Switzerland, Berlin, France, Palestine, and he was then invited to the United Nations Headquarters in New York to present his findings in March 2005. It turns out that water can "hear" words, can "read" the text, and can "understand" the message.

Doctor Masaru Emoto also explains that water contains the vibrations / energy that humans need to survive. Therefore humans can not survive without water. When viewed in a microscope a good water structure does look hexagonal, but the actual shape of 3 dimensions. It proves that water stores vibrations and can be used for energy transfer, so Doctor Masaru Emoto recommends giving just good words to water that can make water form a beautiful hexagonal crystal. Similarly, water zamzam or water that he prayed will form a crystal that is hexagonal structure.

The reason is that water zamzam or water that has been prayed to heal others, because every time always prayed by millions of people and never breaking up since found more than 15 centuries ago to form the structure hexagonal.

If drinking water in a city is prayed seriously for piety, InshaAllah all the people who drink it will be good and not violent. The great prophet of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Zamzam five syuriba lahu", "Water zamzam will carry out the message and intention of drinking it". Whoever drinks to be satisfied, he will be satisfied. Whoever drinks to heal the sick, he will heal. Subhanallah ... No wonder the zamzam water is so efficacious as it keeps the prayer message of millions of human beings for thousands of years since the Prophet Abraham a.s.

Therefore, always say well to anything. And also Pray before doing anything.

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