Siluman Banteng Kegelapan Lamborghini Terzo Millennio

March 14, 2018 Add Comment

Media Informasi - Lamborghini kembali memperlihatkan tanduknya dengan memperlihatkan sebuah mobil terbarunya yang dinamai Terzo Millennio. Mobil ini adalah sebuah supercar yang telah dirancang untuk milenium ketiga dan dibuat dengan kemitraan bersama Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Perusahaan Lamborghini melakukan kerjasama dengan dua laboratorium di Massachusetts Institute of Technology untuk melahirkan banteng petarung terbarunya super sports car bertenaga listrik.

Lamborghini Terzo Millennio memiliki powertrain listrik yang sangat mumpuni, struktur yang super ringan dan eksterior yang super aerodinamis. Powertrain canggih digunakannya terdiri dari 4 motor listrik yang didukung oleh supercapacitor dan perangkat penyimpanan energi yang dibangun di panel bodi.

Mobil Terzo Millennio ini akan menggunakan nanotube serat karbon dan baterai sangat tipis untuk bisa dibuat dalam berbagai bentuk dan diapit diantara dua panel.

Lamborghini Terzo Millennio sangat mengutamakan tampilan desain performa menakjubkan dan paling penting tetap membawa tangguhnya Lamborghini dari berbagai sudut.

Tujuan dari dihadirkannya mobil super sports car ini untuk lebih jauh menyempurnakan sistem penyimpanan energi, inovasi material, sistem propulsi, dan desain visioner.

Adapun sistem penyimpanan akan mengesampingkan baterai konvensional namun mengeksplorasi supercapasitor yang sudah digunakan pada V12 Aventador dari dulu..

Mengingat kombinasi serat karbon dan baterai berteknologi tinggi berpotensi untuk menimbulkan keretakan dan pecah, maka untuk mencegahnya Lamborghini dan MIT berupaya mengembangkan serat karbon yang dapat pulih sendiri secara efektif.

Banteng kelahiran baru Lamborghini ini juga sekaligus mengkombinasikan tekhnologi untuk memonitor struktur serat karbon baik yang terlihat dan tak terlihat melalui konsep (Self-Healing).

Dengan harapan Lamborghini Terzo Millenio memonitor bila ada kemungkinan retak dan rusak akibat insiden yang tak diinginkan. Jika hal tersebut terjadi, proses (Self-Repairing) melalui micro-channel yang berisi bahan kimia, sehingga mereduksi resiko retak di struktur serat karbon. Sungguh tekhnologi yang sangat luar biasa sebagai penopang supercar Terzo Millennio ini.

Sudah Memantau Blog Anak Anda ???

March 13, 2018 Add Comment

Media Informasi - Blog menjadi semakin populer dan popularitas ini tidak hanya dengan orang dewasa. Anak kecil juga menjadi tertarik dengan blogging. Dengan munculnya situs jejaring sosial seperti MySpace blogging berkembang pesat. Pengguna internet sekarang memiliki berbagai pilihan yang tersedia bagi mereka untuk menerbitkan dan memelihara sebuah blog. Selain itu, semakin populernya blog yang saat ini tersedia mempromosikan minat blogging dengan pengguna Internet lainnya. Anak-anak dibombardir setiap hari dengan berbagai blog yang tersedia secara online dan sangat tertarik untuk membuat blog mereka sendiri. Dalam kebanyakan kasus anak membuat blog karena alasan sosial namun ada beberapa anak cerdas yang menyadari potensi keuntungan dari blogging. Meskipun ada banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh anak dari blogging, ada juga beberapa risiko yang terkait. Oleh karena itu orang tua harus hati-hati memonitor blog anak mereka dan juga seluruh penggunaan internetnya. Artikel ini akan membahas subjek pemantauan blog anak secara lebih rinci.

  • Diskusikan Harapan Blog dengan Anak-anak.
Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan orang tua saat anak tertarik untuk membuat blog adalah dengan benar-benar membahas harapan dengan si anak. Anak dan orang tua harus memiliki diskusi terbuka dan jujur ​​tentang penggunaan Internet yang bertanggung jawab. Hal ini penting karena percakapan ini bisa menjadi dasar bagi bagaimana anak berperilaku online. Ada bahaya tertentu yang ada di Internet namun orang tua yang memahami bahaya ini dan berkomunikasi dengan anak mereka untuk berbagi potensi bahaya ini dan juga informasi tentang tetap aman saat online cenderung memiliki anak yang tetap aman saat online.

Ketika seorang anak mempertimbangkan untuk memulai sebuah blog, orang tua harus dilibatkan dalam proses sejak awal. Orangtua seharusnya tidak hanya menyadari niat anak untuk mulai ngeblog tapi juga harus sadar akan alasan anak ingin blog dan niat untuk blog. Hal ini penting karena bisa membantu orang tua untuk mengatur panduan yang sesuai untuk blog. Misalnya seorang anak mungkin tertarik dengan jejaring sosial melalui blog tapi harus mengerti ada potensi bahaya dengan jenis blog ini. Orangtua harus menempatkan batasan isi blog dan harus memberi saran kepada anak agar tidak mengungkapkan informasi pribadi seperti nama lengkap, alamat dan nomor teleponnya di blog. Informasi lain yang bisa digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menemukan anak juga harus dihindari.
  • Teratur Meninjau Blog Anak Anda.
Selain membahas blogging dengan anak dan membuat aturan dasar untuk isi blog, orang tua juga harus rutin mengunjungi blog untuk memastikan peraturan yang mapan diikuti. Orangtua harus meninjau blog anak-anak mereka secara teratur namun sebaiknya tidak memberi tahu anak-anak kapan ulasan ini akan dilakukan. Ini akan membantu mencegah anak-anak mengubah blog untuk menghilangkan materi yang patut dipertanyakan selama peninjauan ulang dan mengganti materi ini setelah peninjauan selesai. Hal ini penting karena akan lebih mudah bagi anak untuk melakukan perubahan dengan cepat hanya dengan menyimpan file dan menggantinya dengan postingan blog yang sesuai selama penjadwalan yang dijadwalkan.
  • Sering Melakukan Pemantauan Blog Anak Anda.
Orangtua juga harus sering memperhatikan rutinitas memantau blog anak-anak mereka. Hal ini penting karena informasi yang dilihat anak secara online bisa berbahaya bagi anak-anak. Hal ini juga penting karena kebanyakan blog memberi kesempatan bagi pengunjung untuk berkomunikasi dengan blogger. Dalam kebanyakan kasus komunikasi ini berupa komentar yang tertinggal bagi blogger dan blogger bisa memilih untuk menanggapi komentar tersebut. Dalam beberapa kasus pengunjung bahkan mungkin memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan informasi kontak pribadi kepada blogger. Orangtua yang tetap mengetahui blog yang dikunjungi anak-anak mereka dapat meninjau blog ini dengan hati-hati untuk memastikan anak-anak mereka tidak berperilaku tidak tepat secara online dan tidak secara tidak sengaja membahayakan diri dengan tindakan yang mereka lakukan.

Ternyata Google Menyediakan Aplikasi Bagi Pecinta Traveling loh !!!

March 13, 2018 Add Comment

Media Informasi - Ternyata Google menghadirkan suatu aplikasi terbarunya yang bertajuk Trips. Google tak hanya memfasilitasi dunia dengan tekhnologinya saja, namun Google juga sangat memperhatikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan kita untuk jalan-jalan dengan salah satu aplikasinya yaitu "Google Trips". Seperti namanya, Google memperuntukkan aplikasi ini bagi anda yang hobi mengeksplor tempat-tempat baru untuk dikunjungi. Berbasis Android dan iOS, tentunya mudah bagi kita untuk mengaksesnya hanya dengan smartphone saja. Google Trips berperan sebagai manajer perjalanan (Tour Gaet) bagi para pengguna dalam banyak hal, seperti halnya urusan tiket transportasi, reservasi hotel, informasi destinasi tempat wisata, juga rekomendasi personal yang sesuai kebiasaan anda berekspetasi maya di Google. Sangat berguna bagi anda saat tiba-tiba kehabisan paket (kuota internet) aplikasi ini tetap bisa dijalankan walau dalam mode offline. Alasan Google dalam aplikasi ini ialah "meski bepergian jauh pada tempat-tempat wisata yang tidak ada jaringan internet, Google Trips tetap setia memandu perjalanan dan tetap memberi kenyamanan bagi anda sebagai pengguna. Salah satu syaratnya agar bisa digunakan dalam mode offline hanya dengan mengunduh terlebih dahulu informasi-informasi tempat destinasi wisata yang ingin anda dikunjungi." Karena Google sangat mengutamakan kenyamanan tanpa kekhawatiran bagi para penggunanya.

Hanya dengan mengunduh dalam Play Store bagi pengguna Android dan App Store bagi pengguna iOS, abnda sudah bisa mengaksesnya sesuai kebutuhan anda dalam kenyamanan Tripsnya. Cara penggunaannya anda akan diminta untuk log-in menggunakan akun Google anda. Setelah masuk, anda hanya lanjut mengetikkan destinasi pada bar "Where Are You Want To Go?" dari situ anda bisa mengakses berbagai macam tempat-tempat destinasi menarik sesuai keinginan dan selera anda pribadi tentunya. Masih banyak fitur-fitur menarik dalam Google Trips, untuk mengetahuinya silahkan mencoba. Semoga perjalanan anda nyaman dan menyenangkan dengan aplikasi Google Trips ini.

Traveling to Europe with Full Beauty (Belgium)

February 01, 2018 Add Comment

About the Country

Belgium is situated in the west of Europe. The land here mostly comprises of flat coastal plains in the northeast, and southeast is occupied by the Ardennes Forest. Dutch, Flemish, French and German are the official languages of Belgium, with Dutch being the widely spoken followed by French. The weather here is pretty predictable. Months from April to September are the warmest. Otherwise the weather is pretty humid and skies are gray, that explains why umbrellas and raincoats are a part of the dressing. So, if the visit is planned for holidays during the rainy season, one must not forget to carry sufficient cover for maximum protection, as this is a coastal region. In case of emergency call 100 or 112.


Belgians are English-friendly and will make every attempt to speak in English with a foreigner. Always remember to carry a small gift or at least flowers especially when invited over dinner. The dress to wear will be mentioned in the invitation, when invited for a party. Smoking in public is acceptable.


Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Ostend, Namur, Mons, Liège, Ghent and Mechelen are the main shopping centers. Belgium is famous for ceramics and hand-beaten copperware from Dinant, laces from Bruges, crystals from Val Saint Lambert, woodcarvings from Spa and Belgium’s finest chocolates. In jewelry, diamonds from Antwerp are on high demand.

Eating Out

The specialty of most of the restaurants is horse and rabbit meat dishes. Although visitors can find a wide range of ethnic foods, but the most famous are frites and mayonnaise and mitraillette; mitraillette is a large bun filled with fries, donair meat and garlic sauce, the vegetarians can ask for a veg. substitute for the donair meat. While eating at a restaurant, tipping is considered customary along with the value-added tax. At the cinemas, leave a €0.50 tip for the attendant and €0.25 after using the public toilets.


Voltage is 230 V and frequency is 50 Hz.


Delta Air Transport has inaugurated its new European airline SN Brussels Airlines recently. It flies to more than 58 destinations in Europe and as well as worldwide. The Brussels Zayentem airport is twelve km from the city and it takes 35 minutes to reach the city from the airport. The airport has facilities like duty free shops, car parking, taxi booking, car hiring, banks, post office, restaurants, and medical help. Internet and fax services are provided for the passengers. The Airport City Express train transports passengers to three main railway stations - Brussels North, Central and South. One can avail a bus which runs regularly from the airport, taxis can also be hired which wait outside the arrival hall. Tipping the taxi drivers is considered customary. Train runs every 15 minutes.

Another airport, Brussels South Charleroi, is 5 km away from Charleroi and 46 km from Brussels. Ryan air serves as the local airline here and has cheap deals for several European destinations to and from Charleroi. The facilities provided here are bus and train services, café, car hire, and duty free shops.

Ostend airport is 5 km away from the city and car parking, car hire, duty free shops, and restaurants are provided here.

Antwerp airport is just 2 km away from the city. Buses run to the Brussels Central Station every few minutes.

Liege is situated at a distance of 5 km away from the city. Buses run at regular interval here.

The departure tax at Brussels Zayentem is €20.93, Brussels South Charleroi is €3.49, Ostend and Antwerp is €10, and at Liege is €7.

There is a network of high-speed trains, which are operated by Thalys, from Belgium to France, connecting Brussels with other destinations like Bordeaux, Chambéry, Cannes, Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Valence Perpignan, and Rennes. Booking should be made in advance for these trains. The national railway operates through out the day providing service every few minutes to destinations such as Andorra, Austria, France, Czech, Germany, Italy, Poland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the UK and the Netherlands. Insiders can avail the Inter-Rail pass which allows visitors to travel almost 29 European Countries. This service is valid for residents who have been settled there for more than 6 months.

Duty Free Items

Visitors can carry alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, coffee and tea without getting customs duty levied on them, but only the goods should be limited. Check out for the limits before carrying such goods. Food items that are not preserved are better avoided.

Best Tips For Traveling to a Beautiful European Country (Austria)

February 01, 2018 1 Comment

About the Country

Media Informasi - Located in central Europe, Austria celebrates world’s best music festivals like the Salzburg Festival, Haydn Festival in Vienna, and the International Chamber Music Festival. Vienna is the capital of Austria as well as the musical capital of Europe. Music and art are in full flare here after centuries of hardship and innovation. That explains Vienna being the birthplace of Mozart. Horse dances are also part of these festivals. Since it snows in winter, the snow covered Alps is a must be visited place during the winter. Austria experiences a moderate summer. Rains can be expected year round. Incase of emergency call 120 or 123.

Site seeing
The romantic castles simply leave you astounded. The Schloss Durnstein provides a magnificent view besides the River Danube. A 10% tip should be paid to the taxi drivers, which is customary here.


German, Hungarian, Slovene, and Croatian are the languages spoken by the locals. To greet the locals, a handshake will do. When meeting someone for the first time, its better to refer them by their last name, but once better known they can be addressed by the first name. When out in the public, say Guten Tag or Gruss Gott to greet people and while leaving say Auf Wiedersehen. Carry along flowers when going over to someone’s house. The locals here have a passion for horse riding. The world’s best art of horsemanship can be found here which is as old as 400 years and to watch the horses perform at these schools; tickets must be booked in advance. Although service charge is levied on restaurant bills, an extra 5% should be paid as tip.

Getting there

Three national airlines operate in Austria, Austrian Arrows, Austrian Airlines and Lausda Air, which work in collaboration with the Austrian Airlines Group. The Vienna airport is 18 km away from the city. Airport buses transport passengers to the South Train and West Train Station. Railway, chauffeur-driven car and taxi service is also provided at the airport. Duty free shops, post office, bank, eateries, left luggage, tourism information, conference hall, nursery, car hiring and car parking facilities are provided to the passengers at the airport.
Salzburg airport is 4 km away from the city and buses, trains, taxis and hotel coach shuttle passengers to and from the airport. Facilities such as duty free shops, post office, currency exchange, left luggage, conference hall, restaurants and car hire exist at the airport. Check out the other airports such as Klagenfurt airport, Graz airport and Linz airport for more details. All the airports charge a fixed rate for porter service. 

International tourists can get to Austria by Austrian Federal railways, if planning to travel by train. It has a large network which connects the major cities within Austria and also outside Austria. Travelers can find connections to/from Germany, Russia, Greece, Romania, Turkey Brussels, Paris and Italy. International rail passes or Eurail pass can be bought to travel around Austria as they provide unlimited travel and other offers too.

A good network of roads here provides an interesting journey. Take Eurotunnel when crossing the Channel Tunnel while traveling by car. Bookings should be made in advance. The cars can be hired at the airports and railway stations and if driving own car carry documentations like UK driving license or national driving license and car registration papers. Toll booths are installed on the motorways and ‘S’ roads, so if change is carried in advance it will ensure no delays in the journey. Registration documents should be carried along all the time while driving. The lights should be turned on while driving, in the city or outside, all the time. There are strict laws for seat belts and drinking while driving. If using the motorbike, high visibility jacket and helmet must be worn, it’s a compulsion for both the passenger and the driver. Many federal, private companies and local authorities provide bus service. Coaches are provided for moving around within the cities.

Wurm and Kock provide cruise passenger service. Along with the cruise trip, packages include stay at a hotel. Check out, before hand, for offer. There are many Ferry service providers too.

Duty Free Items

  1. 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco or a proportional mix of these products.
  2. 1l of spirits over 22 per cent or 2l of fortified wine or spirits up to 22 per cent or 2l of sparkling wine or liqueur and 2l of still wine.
  3. 500g of coffee or 200g of extracts, essences or concentrates of coffee, and 100g of tea or 40g of tea extracts.
  4. medicinal products sufficient for the journey.
  5. 50g of perfume or eau de toilette.
  6. All the above mentioned goods should be carried by a person over 17 years of age.

It Travel Tips to European Countries: Albania !!!

February 01, 2018 Add Comment

Media Infomasi - Albania is a mountainous country and the one of the smallest countries of Europe. The residents supposedly descended from ancient Illyrians.

The culture of Albania is majorly influenced by that of the mainland Greeks especially in the urban locality; nodding one’s head means ‘no’ where as shaking the head means ‘yes’. To greet someone, handshaking is preferred, though Shoku (Comrade) was used before, which has been long forgotten now. People dress informally here. Swim suits are meant for the beaches, otherwise women are expected not to dress in a revealing outfit. When addressing someone prefix Zoti(Mr) or Zonja(Mrs) before the name and always remember to carry some gifts when visiting someone, although flowers aren’t much acceptable. The guests are served with coffee, raki or sweets. Smokers don’t have to worry much, but they should avoid it where they see a sign of Ndalohet Duhani or Ndalohet pirja e duhanit.

Travelling within the country

Buses with relatively cheap fares operate in the main cities of the country or taxis are another choice which provided service for some main hotels.
Visit Dajti Mountain and experience Dajti Ekspres Cable car for an unforgettable 15 minute ride passing through Dajt Oark to reach Tirana. The route is about 4.2 km long and the ride costs €6.5.Alpha Yachting provides crewed yacht which is a luxury in itself. Tirana Bank is the best place for withdrawing money as it allows access to Visa cards.

Eating Out

Restaurants are not always sufficiently heated, so always wear warm clothes if out in the night during winters. Foreigners are charged more than the locals. Both the entry fees as well as any merchandise will be on a higher scale, so it’s better not to reveal the fact that you are a foreigner when out on the streets.

Site Seeing

If you enjoy canoeing, this is the right place to be. There are places right outside Tirana which is an amazing site for not just canoeing, but also rock climbing, hiking, and camping.


If you want a 5-Star ambience, try The Sheraton Tirana Hotel and Towers, which is situated in the middle of a shopping and entertainment center. There are about 151 rooms and 56 suites. So, along with the comfort, one can shop at once convenience here. Another hotel which provides all modern facilities is Hotel Mondial. It is located 1000 m away from the city and is also a good example of traditional architecture.

Getting There

One of the best and the easiest means is to go by air. Albanian Airlines is the national airline which works in collaboration with Tyrolean Airways, and provides service to almost all the big European cities. The airport, Mother Teresa, is 16 miles or 26 km away from the capital. A tourist bus is available every 3 hrs to get to the city center and takes about 30 minutes to get there. Taxis are available round the clock. While waiting for any transport service, tourists can check out the duty free shops, bank, eateries and car hire at the airport. A departure tax of $10 USD is imposed on all foreign nationals. Check out www.flyalbanian .com for flight times and offers.

If trying to get there by sea, try the ferry services which are provided by Adriatic Line and Agoudimos. The main ports are Durres (has ferry connection to Italy, Bari, Brindisi, Trieste, and Ancona), Vlora (has ferry connection to Bari, and Brindisi), Saranda (has connection to Corfu), Shen Gjini (has ferry connection to Bari). Check out and for more information.

Bus is another option. Buses start from Istanbul, Athens and Sofia. Internal passengers have lots of options with bus services provided. If traveling by road in a private car, there is road network to the Kosovo region, but they are too dangerous to use because of the political tensions within the region. Crossings at Hani I Hotit, Bllata, Oafa e Thaes, Tushemisht, Gorica, Kapshtica, and kakavija can be taken. If tired one can take halts at hotels or other designated areas. There is a network of 18,000 km, out of which only 7450 km are main roads, for local travelers. About 2138km stretch of these roads is in poor condition and has pot holes, and utmost safety precautions should be taken when driving on such roads. Speed limit should be strictly followed on highways as well as within towns. Driving at night should be better avoided because of the absence of street lights on the road except for urban areas. Traffic should drive on the right-hand. There is a shortage of gas stations in the countryside, so filling the gas tank completely when passing through urban area is recommended and since there is lack of national recovery system; travelers should be prepared for an emergency or breakdown before hand. One should carry necessary documents like International Driving Permit and national driving license.

Duty Free Items
  • Following are the items that can be carried without customs duty being levied on them:
1. 1liter of spirits or 2liter of wine
2. 250ml of eau de toilette
3. 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco
4. 50ml of perfume.

Prohibited Items

Things that are prohibited to carry are firearms, narcotics and ammunitions. Special export permission should be taken for precious metals, books, antiques, work of art, or material of national or historic value.

Easy Email Marketing Strategies

February 01, 2018 1 Comment

Media Informasi
- Email marketing is becoming extremely popular but this does not mean all business owners know how to run an effective email marketing campaign. However, those who are well versed in the subject of email marketing and have experiencing using popular strategies effectively are likely to gain a huge advantage over their competitors who do not have these skills. This article will provide useful information for business owners who are hoping to improve their sales or website traffic through effective email marketing.

If you do not have a great deal of information about email marketing and do not fully understand the principles involved one of the best ways to orchestrate a truly effective email marketing campaign is to hire a consulting firm with a proven track record in promoting business through email marketing to assist you in your endeavor. Similarly to traditional marketing such as radio, television and print media, the popular strategies governing email marketing are changing constantly. As a business owner you likely already have enough to deal with trying to stay up to date on business practices that you do not have the time, energy or finances to also stay up to date on the latest changes in email marketing.

For this reason it is certainly worthwhile to hire a professional in the email marketing industry who can devote himself full time to keeping up to date with the most effective email marketing strategies and designing an email marketing campaign for our business to help you achieve your business related goals. However, selecting a consultant from the many options available can be downright overwhelming. In general you should look for a consultant who has a great deal of experience, a proven track record, listens to your questions carefully, explains concepts simply and makes your project a priority.

Another popular strategy for email marketing is to offer an email correspondence course on a subject closely related to your website or the products or services you offer. These correspondence courses should include a number of short segments, provide useful information, be of interest to your intended audience and should also help to promote your business in some way. The simplest way to promote your business without having your correspondence course deemed to be spam is to use a soft sell approach to subtly urge readers to make a purchase or visit your website for more information.

Publishing and distributing period e-newsletters is another example of an email marketing strategy which can be highly effective. An e-newsletter is very similar to a newsletter which is printed and distributed by conventional methods such as mail delivery. The bulk of an e-newsletter should be quality content in the form of featured articles, short articles containing useful tips or product reviews. The e-newsletter may also contain graphical elements. These elements may simply be graphic designs or they may be graphics which also serve as links. The links may direct traffic to your website or to other websites. Finally, your e-newsletters should contain some type of soft sell sales approach. It is important to not make the sales pitch blatant as this may result in the e-newsletter being considered spam. Finally, the e-newsletter should contain a call to action urging the readers to either make a purchase or visit your website for more information.

Regardless of the method of email marketing you opt to utilize, one of the most important strategies is to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing on a regular basis. This is critical because elements of your email marketing campaign which are not working should be weeded out. Likewise elements of your marketing campaign which are enjoying a high degree of success should be utilized more often. For example if you notice there is a spike in sales or website traffic each time you issue an e-newsletter, it might be worthwhile to begin issuing e-newsletters more often. This type of evaluation and feedback can turn a moderate success into a huge success.